Policy 7.2: College Program Advisory Committee
Program advisory committees are designed to provide guidance and advice on program design, operation, accountability and closure. Each college shall establish an advisory committee consisting of employers, students, and faculty for approved programs or related program clusters that are publicized by the college as preparation for entry into employment. Program advisory committees may be established to serve related programs at multiple institutions, which may include high schools, colleges, and/or universities. Each college shall develop and implement a policy to guide establishment and operation of program advisory committees.
Each occupational program or program cluster offered by the College shall have an advisory committee. The primary purpose of the advisory committee is to review and advise on curriculum. Each advisory committee will review the course goals on a minimum of four course outlines per year. The advisory committee membership should represent employers and employees of an occupational area, a current student and one or more former students. Other participants may be members as deemed necessary. Program faculty is responsible for seeing that meetings occur. The agenda should be set jointly by the advisory committee chairperson and program faculty. ---
06.2005 Adoption
08.2017 Technical change: MnSCU to Minnesota State