Searching for articles is a lot easier when you access the right database. Choose from the options below to get started. Remember to contact your librarian if you need any help.
Resource List
Academic Search Premier – A general purpose academic database that includes peer-reviewed journal articles in many different subject areas. A great place to start your research, regardless of your topic.
All EBSCO databases – Search all our databases from EBSCO (our largest vendor) at once.
Britannica Online Academic Edition - Encyclopedia with articles written by Nobel laureates, historians, curators, professors, and other notable experts. A great alternative to Wikipedia.
CQ Researcher - Current event database with up-to-date overviews of issues and controversies in modern society. A great resource for identifying and narrowing topics for research essays.
Points of View Reference Center - Overviews of current controversial issues and problems along with point and counter-point arguments from differing perspectives. A great resource for identifying and narrowing topics for research essays.
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) - Nursing and Health Sciences database that collects peer reviewed journal articles covering Nursing, Biomedicine, Alternative Medicine, Consumer Health, and 17 Allied Health Disciplines.
Ovid Nursing and Allied Health Journals - Nursing and Health Science collection of peer-reviewed journals, magazines, and trade journals. Includes Nursing 2019, Home Healthcare Now, The American Journal of Nursing, Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, and several more.
Learning Express Library - A collection of eBooks, tutorials, and test preparation materials covering topics in academic and career success. Includes ACT, SAT, NCLEX-PN, and NCLEX-RN study materials. NOTE: You will need to register an account and log-in separately.
Medline/PubMed - Health Science database of peer-reviewed journal articles.
Films on Demand (Allied Health and Science) - Allied Health and Science streaming video collection.
Consumer Health Complete - Consumer Health database that includes health encyclopedias, drug information, news, magazines, and evidence-based reports aimed at healthcare decision-making.
Applied Science & Technology Source - Applied Science and Technology Source is a collection of peer-reviewed and trade journals covering topics relevant to Applied Engineering, Architecture, Automated Systems Technology, Manufacturing, Cyber Security, and Computer Programming.
All EBSCO Databases - Search all our databases from EBSCO (our largest vendor) at once.
Greenfile - Environmental Science collection of peer-reviewed journal articles.
Applied Science & Technology Source - Applied Science and Technology Source is a collection of peer-reviewed and trade journals covering topics relevant to Applied Engineering, Architecture, Automated Systems Technology, Manufacturing, Cyber Security, and Computer Programming.
EBSCO MegaFile - EBSCO's General and Business databases combined into a single search. Includes: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Premier, MasterFILE Premier, and Regional Business News.
Science Reference Center - General sciences collection offering full-text coverage of encyclopedias, reference books, and periodicals covering subjects in biology, chemistry, computer science, math, and physics.
Academic Search Premier
Alt HealthWatch
Applied Science & Technology Source
Britannica Online Academic Edition
Britannica Reference Center
Business Source Premier
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)
Consumer Health Complete
CQ Researcher
Credo Reference
Ebooks EBSCO Collection
EBSCO Databases
EBSCO MegaFile
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center)
Films on Demand (Allied Health and Science)
Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Gale in Context
Health Source: Consumer Edition
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
MasterFILE Complete
Medline/Pub-Med (Linked to ATC Resources)
Newspaper Source
OneSearch Article Search
OneSearch Books, Videos, and Journals
Ovid Nursing and Allied Health Journals
Points of View Reference Center
Professional Development Collection
PubMed Clinical Queries
Regional Business News
Science Reference Center
Science Reference Ebook Collection
US Newsstream